I recently decided to publish my articles in French and in English. First, I had to find and test plugins in order to choose one. So I spent some time, more than I expected, to make it work locally through Docker. Since I encountered some pitfalls, I decided to share the recipe.
Continue reading “Recipe: Run a local copy of a WordPress site with Docker”Tag: PHP
bookmark_borderPhpMyAdmin error: JSON extension is missing
Today I found out that my phpMyAdmin installation over apache2 and Ubuntu 13.10 was broken. The error was straight forward: “JSON extension is missing”.
Okay, but how can it be gone?
I recently updated my Ubuntu installation from 13.04 to 13.10. Turns out that it somehow breaks the PHP JSON extension.
The fix is very simple, run
sudo apt-get install php5-json
sudo service apache2 restart
Problem sovled.
bookmark_borderIn PHP, false == true
Let’s go with a trivia.
What is the output of
var_dump((bool) "0"); var_dump((bool) "toto"); var_dump((bool) ("0" == "toto"));