bookmark_borderIt’s a Trap! Postgis Geometry with SRID 4326 is not a Geography

Long story short, you create a table with a geometry column that stores points with srid 4326 (read geographic lat/lng, or should I write lng/lat, coordinates). That should be interpreted as geography right? Not at all!

Continue reading “It’s a Trap! Postgis Geometry with SRID 4326 is not a Geography”

bookmark_borderRecipe: Google App Engine, Cloud SQL and sqlalchemy

Here is a recipe on how I made those thing work together both on a linux development environment and in production. The important thing to remember is: just like recipes for brownies, there are other recipes to achieve the same thing.

The following steps assume you have a Google cloud account with the proper permissions.

Continue reading “Recipe: Google App Engine, Cloud SQL and sqlalchemy”