bookmark_borderMinimizing the size of lambdas by avoiding having boto3 and its stubs in the deployment package

If you are having problems with AWS lambdas exceeding the 250MB limit, here is a tip that might help.

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bookmark_borderUsing Selenium to Roll Out Changes to Gihub Settings

Your company is rolling out a new policy and need you to change settings across many repositories? That sounds like a very repetitive task that can be easily automated. I just did it with Selenium. Here is the recipe.

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bookmark_borderPython Poetry Index Error – list index out of range

You run poetry and get this (undescriptive) error message.

list index out of range

So far I’ve identified two things that you need to check.

  1. Credentials: If you are installing packages from a private repository, make sure poetry credentials are right.
  2. Presence of all required files in local packages: If you are installing a package from local files, make sure all files mentioned in the packages section of its pyproject.toml file are present. (I mostly got this error while building on Docker when forgetting to add them all in the Dockerfile.

bookmark_borderpython poetry 1.0.0 private repo issue fix

On December 12th 2019, poetry v1.0.0 was released. With it, came a bad surprise for me: My CI/CD jobs as well as my Docker image builds started failing.

After investigating, I’ve found out that the password key/value was now missing from the  .config/pypoetry/auth.toml file. Digging some more, I’ve found out that poetry relies on a library called keyring to manage passwords.

Here is what I did to fix the problem.

First, I’ve noticed that poetry falls back to the previous method if keyring returns RuntimeError when it is called. Nice. It turns out that keyring comes with a backend aptly named “fail” which does that whatever the call is. So, it’s only a matter of configuring it.

As the keyring documentation states it, run python -c "import keyring.util.platform_; print(keyring.util.platform_.config_root())" to find where to put the configuration file. Then, in that directory, create keyringrc.cfg and put the following content in it:


That’s it. Now you can call poetry config http-basic.... the same way you used to and the password will be stored in auth.tomllike before.

bookmark_borderOpset – a python configuration library

Last week, my team open sourced the configuration library we have streamlined for the software components that we work on.

Opset – A library for simplifying the configuration of Python applications at all stages of deployment. [github] [pypi]

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bookmark_borderSpeeding a CI/CD pipeline over CircleCI

This post is annectodic, but I figured it could still be helpful in some way, so here I go.

Classic story. At work, the CircleCI CI/CD pipeline of the project I work on, as time went by, became slower and slower. Recently, it reached a bit over forty minutes. I worked on it and brought it back under ten minutes. Here is what I did.

Continue reading “Speeding a CI/CD pipeline over CircleCI”